Monday, April 2, 2007

John David Booty Majors In Football

It's springtime at USC, which means the beginning of football practice, the inevitable realization that Reggie Bush isn't coming back to us, and the daily appearance of local news teams standing high atop the cherry-pickers sprouting from their vans.

You see, spring practice is closed to the outside public. There's always a skinny athletic department flunky in a red windbreaker standing in front of the gate like the Colossus of Rhodes and yelling at students who try to sneak a peek from the top of the track and field bleachers across the street.

So thank goodness for our collegiate journalists who go out and get the big scoops emerging from crucial early-spring scrimmages, as well as the student-athletes who are accommodating enough to provide their insight:

In addition to his own accuracy struggles, Booty and center Nick Howell had three botched exchanges - a recurring problem during the last two weeks.

"I take responsibility for (the fumbled snaps)," Booty said. "Obviously Nick and (graduated center Ryan Kalil) are two totally different people and snap two totally different ways."

I totally agree with JDB here. It's just like how Sartre and Camus are two totally different existentialists and extrapolate the function of angst in an inherently absurd world two totally different ways. It's good to know that when he isn't letting me into off-campus apartment complexes, he's still in solidarity with the daily struggles of his fellow students.

Gable Continues Solid Play [Daily Trojan]

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