Monday, April 16, 2007

Hockey Players Are So Cheeky

The hits just keep on coming for USC athletics! This time it's an "alleged" pants-dropping incident involving Trojans club hockey goalie Michael Meyer in the third period of a game against BYU in February:

"(Meyer) rode his hockey stick like a horse and slapped his bare bottom while mooning the crowd," said officer Mike Stoffer of the North Park, Utah police department.

To authenticate the charge, prosecutors must show that Meyer exposed his genitals.

Mormons are so uptight. They're trying to nail Meyer on a "misdemeanor lewdness charge." The man is a theater major, people! Some people just don't understand performance art.

I'm just amazed that there was enough time in the middle of a game for a freaking goalie to remove a sufficient number of pads necessary for "exposure." I guess it helps when you wear your undershorts over your pants.

Between this, Master P's son, Will Ferrell's speedo, and the Reggie Bush situation, things are really getting out of hand out here.

USC Hockey Player Pleads Not Guilty To Moon Charge
[Daily Trojan]

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